Thanks, and thanks for whit posting these for me im a computer-tard. We had 2 days to get it done. In short, my son took his first after a short stalk and made a great 68 yd shot which dropped the elk in its tracks. High shoulder shot and when we walked up he put one more in to stop the suffering. He was very excited and it was his first big game revolver kill. With a rifle he has taken african lion and numerous plains game and deer and he felt this was his best and favorite hunt, cuz the revolver was what he used. I think we have an addict here. I took mine later right at dark and on the stalk i got with in 30 yards of a huge 7x7 and sure wish i had a tag for that one. My shot was quartering Away and very rushed. Hit one lung but the 250 barnes xbp took out the onside lung only but took out almost the whole lung and she only ran 80 yarda and piled up. On monday my cousin took his when we were driving to where the elk had been hanging out and busted a hige herd while in the truck as they were crossing the road. The were spooky as the whole herd took off at sight of the truck. We were a little bummed they all took off but noticed the herd got split and 3 were back up in the trees. My cousin jumped out and got behind a small pine tree and we drove on past letting the elk remaining in the tree line settle and come back down which they finally did. They were real jumpy and as he got the shot and raised his gun the elk spun to run and he hit her in the shoulder with his barnes from his 454 taking her in the onside ahoulder and passing thru the guts. She only ran 15 yards and puled up. We are now calling this the barnes bailout. All in all i was theilled with being able to take 3 freerange cows in 2 days and see my 3rd child get their first revolver kill!