
I am humble when I write this: Having had a lot of experience hunting and guiding elk I want to tell you three:

A BIG KUDOS to you guys! You did GREAT!

Getting three cow elk in two days with revolvers surely beats all common sensible hunting odds, especially for elk!

And the logistics of, within the same time frame, packing all of them out, and not to mention WHOLE and in one piece, is quite the feat!

I assume you were able to pack them out by getting a vehicle near them. Nonetheless, I know how much work any of that elk stuff is!

Congratulations guys! What a great hunt you had!


PS: This story surely is worthy of being written up for Member Articles. I hope you consider it! Maybe Whit, being a writer, can give you a few pointers if you're not sure.

PPS: No harm meant, but I sure like the "field photo" compared to the "hanging in the barn" photo!
