Curioushooter a.k.a. Wet blanket- The others have already said it well but I want to get my 2 cents in. First of all 444 cases have never been hard for me to find or form for my 358JDJ. It?s a one step process with no fallout. no harder than sizing new brass. Additionally they last for many firings. 100 cases last for years. Far easier to make than 357 Herrett and they last much longer.
As the others have said the JDJs are the best class of Contender rounds available and they outperform all standard offerings.
Now for the Why??? If I apply your logic to other aspects of life SPAM is good enough to eat and I guess a good steak is excessive. I assume you only wear blue jeans and t shirts. Well you get the point.
In reality my 358 JDJ is superior to any standard offering or to the 444 in a Contender. It is effective on any deer without excessive meat damage at any angle out to 200+ yards with 220 or 250 grain bullets. My best shot to date has been a full penetration shoulder shot on a 600 lb Kudu at 190 yards. Not sure I would have tried that with a 444 or less.
That being said I appreciate you posting your opinions and I respect your views. The main thing is that you are handgunning. Stay away from those nasty long guns.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,... "
Matthew 28:19

Handgun hunter since 1979 - haven't used a rifle since!
HHI member #992, NRA, SCI.