[quote=curioushooter]I am somewhat surprised by how upset some of you guys seem to get over really very mild criticisms of JDJ cartridges. In no way do I mean to offend! I don't really have a problem with JDJ cartridges at all

I am a bit amazed at your inconsistently. You say this and then write paragraph after paragraph of the unfounded touchy, feely issues you have with JD and his contributions to the firearms world. I doubt that too many handgunners on this site have easily obtained -pleasant and neighborly. At the top of their must have list when gun shopping. None of these are fact based, quantifiable or ever remotely relavent to most of us. I do find it offensive that you are putting J D down as a wildcatter and innovator. You obviously have only dipped your toe into this pond and I assume you know little about the man and his achievements.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,... "
Matthew 28:19

Handgun hunter since 1979 - haven't used a rifle since!
HHI member #992, NRA, SCI.