Originally Posted By: 500WE
I don't own an AR, nor any hi-cap mags. Nor any Slidefire " bump-fire" stocks. It doesn't matter. The only way to fight gun grabbers is to follow Harlon Carter's advice: "NEVER GIVE AN INCH!"
In my lifetime, they've gone after "saturday night specials", generally meaning anything we now carry as concealed hanguns; AR's of any description; 50 caliber anythings; Concealed Carry, period; large capacity drum magazine shotguns (street sweepers); "military style" weapons - of any description; mail purchases; "gun show loopholes", meaning transfers between individuals; All handguns, period; FTF purchase of handguns in other states; suppressors / silencers; extended magazines that stick out below rifle stocks; and others that I don't feel like thinking back on.
It will never stop. Eventually, it will be "those deadly long range sniper rifles" like any scope equipped Remington 700 your dad used.
NEVER GIVE AN INCH. Fight them all the way, on everything. Join the NRA or upgrade your membership. Write your Representatives and Senators politely. Write your newspapers. Join your local gun club and State Association. E Mails cost you nothing, but a bit of time. Cause your buddies to join the NRA.
NEVER GIVE AN INCH. Or your favorite firearms and hobby will be next.
At the time of the civil war a 58 caliber musket was an assault rifle.