OK, I hate to double up with Tigger here (Thanks for the assist bud ) but now that I have his instructions I gotta try it myself.
If this works Tigger you can delete the pic in your post if you like, but leave the instructions for those of us that are still learning.

This is the track of the kind of guys I want to chase with the .444 this spring.
Brown Bear track about 5 miles from my home in Kenai Alaska.
Gun is .444 Marlin Contender, & scope is 9.5" long, so bear is about 10.5'.
I had walked this trail right at dark the night before, & at day break about an hour before I came back & saw this track. It wasn't there the hour before & the brush is THICK along the edges of this old powerline cut. The bear was walking opposite the direction I had walked at daybreak, so I had probably walked past him somewhere, fat, dumb, & happy, just enjoying the sunrise hunt.
Makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up when you think about it a minute.

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."