Originally Posted By: wheelguns
 Originally Posted By: Kinger
Just my Opinion but when using the extreme penetrator bullet, Velocity is your friend.

Kinger, what do you believe would be the minimal impact velocity.

The 140 gr bullet moving at 1500 out of my 6" GP 100 did work on the deer and the damage was what was shown. So to say what the minimal velocity is, that's been on my mind. I have not had the ability to properly test the bullet at different velocity's. I would say that I don't know at this point in time. I just know that with what I have seen is that the harder you can push this bullet the better it seems to get. There are videos online showing these bullets being used in muzzleloaders and the increase is velocity is noticeable in the gel tests. As for me I plan on alot of testing this year.

Last edited by Kinger; 04/18/2018 8:42 PM.