I say 30-30 for the caliber and ADD A BRAKE.
NO,, the 30-30 does not recoil so much that it is necessary, but with a brake you will enjoy the pistol much more. As far as a scope is concerned I would go with a Burris 3-12 X 32 handgun scope or even a rifle scope. But get a variable to get your longer distances. With a brake the recoil will be minimized to the degree that you can use a rifle scope and not get scope eye. (bruises or cuts) With a brake you may be able to see the hit and watch the action.
The scope and addition of a brake may be costly on the front end, but trust me you will regret later if you do not dig deep and pay up front.

Look at all the Factory ammo available in the 30-30 and then consider if you do start handloading. If you already handload then this will be a cinch and if you do not handload then strongly consider it because of the possibilities available.
Varmints season year round..... Yes if you want to handload and go with a cast or jacketed you will have a much better option with the 30-30. Consider a 125 jacketed speer or a Cast 115gr from Montana Bullet Works. The 115 drops at 120 grs and is great for small game and Varmints. The Speer 125 gr spitzer adds longer ranges. Speer also offers a 100gr RN for plinking that is a lot of fun.