Last Saturday I hosted a little gathering of handgun hunters and shooters. Members SW282 and jmoore429 showed up with impressive collection of PC revolvers. Not the kinder and gentler kind of PC, but the Smith and Wesson Performance Center kind of bark and bite.

Here I checkout the literal truckload of hunting handguns we brought out.
The largest performer was SW282's 10.5 inch 460

Here jmoore429 aligns on an unfortunate target downrange.

Everyone got some trigger time with the 460.

This is SW282 supervising me. Note the pic captured the blast of the brake. The sideview doesn't capture the atomic grade fireball visible to the shooter.

At the other end of the spectrum, was jmoore's 17 HMR revolver.

I was impressed by the rifle like accuracy and downrange performance of this revolver.

There were at least three 44 mag and one 357 PC revolvers present for the fun.

Here is one of the 44s.

I am not a S&W guy, so what a treat for me to get to handle and shoot so many high end versions in one afternoon.

I hope the owners of the guns will provide more details on the guns, optics and loads. Perhaps they have more pics and stories to share.