I've done this one side only on my SBH it seamed to work fine. To be honest with my stiff hands I didn't notice any change. Tried the same with my single six and ran into problems. When pulling the hammer back the hammer would stop about half way and not go any further no matter how hard I pulled. Not every time. Not even every cylinder full. Say once out of every 10 -15 shots. Now this single six is 40 years old, been shot a lot, and not hand the easiest life. Still this was enough to convince me that his was not a good idea. I returned the leg on the SBH even though i had no trouble with that. I have never heard of anyone else having this happen, so maybe it was a one of. JMO if you really feel that you need a better trigger {your a better shot that i am. we are talking hand guns not match rifles} then learn to do a trigger job your self or have a pro do it.

Everything before "but" is B.S.