Well where I'm at we are limited to straight wall cartridges in pistol or rifle so I'm trying to bring all the range I can out of it I believe I could load hotter but don't see any reason.... A few spots I like to hunt have shots all the way out to 200 and if like to have plenty of smack at that range and I just can't load my 45/70 stout enough for that trajectory.... The little booger is a handful have toear gloves to protect my fingers from the trigger guard and shooting it a lot is rough on the wrist as far as actual recoil it's not bad it's just snappy. Up there it should have said c.o.a.l. is 2.220 I'm certainly not hunting for more velocity at this point. And I didn't have any 4227 since last place I looked it was 10 dollars more a can than pistol powders. I've still got a little space in the case and I think 4227 would fill it out a little better. Last year I was shooting the 200 ftx at 1800 and it shot great at 50 couldn't even tell you fired more than one bullet but it was to heavy and by 100 yards accuracy fell apart since my barrel is a slow twist. I was shooting off Cornhole bags last year and that seemed to work real well but squirrels ate them.... I was really thinking my issue was grip and rest the shots that didn't string we're in a spot about 3/4 of an inch though which is where most of the shots went and I'm sure it's be smaller with a better rest.... Gun season starts the last week of this month here so we will see how that bullet works at that speed real soon. Though I'm going to try to get a little time behind the 450 Bushmaster upper dad ordered for the ars. Good shooting guys