One small step in the right direction, maybe a giant leap down the road a ways. But, it does show how a misinformed statement of any kind can be used by someone in a manner not even addressed by that statement in the first place. I get so friggin' peeved by anti-whatevers who take a stand on things of which they have no knowledge whatsoever. Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!

As for what they talked about on Ted's show, the gist of it was how you can't pit one gun owner against another just 'cause his gun looks or works different than yours. We all have to stick together. It's like the anit-hunters who try to pit hounders against baiters, or spot-and-stalkers against callers or drivers. We can't let it happen, there's room enough for all. Shoot on, Rod.

Rod, too.

Short cuts often lead to long recoveries.