Originally Posted By: Jeff460
What is a dead man's stop? Is it something easy to add so the ejector rod housing will not launch off? Jack Huntington is quite the problem solver.

The deadman is a stud pressed into a hole drilled into barrel that fits into a corresponding hole in the backside of the ERH. It?s location is roughly one inch behind the ERH screw hole (where it attaches to the barrel). It?s simple, but takes the recoil forces off the screw preventing breakage or stripping. Brought to you by Jack Huntington!

Max Prasac

Semper Fidelis

BIG IRON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6aXjMH5C30

Gun Digest TV's Modern Shooter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGo-KMpXPpA&t=7s