Well, yer 'bout ta find out! we'll see tomorrow, or maybe not if my eye is too sore or black and blue. I put a Nikon 3 x9 AO Balistic Plex on my Striker 7-08 and a 4x12 Simmons Expedition AO with target knobs on my Encore 7-08. Both seem to have 'O-K' eye relief while sitting at a bench and the Encore is braked and seems heavy enough to reduce recoil. The Striker seems heavy enough with the Harris BP attached. I'm thinking of wrapping my sling around a sandbag at the front swivel and let the gun recoil against it until I get used to shooting with my eyes closed and flinching! I will let everyone know tomorrow or Sunday.

BullElk Hunter (Gerry)HHI #2933
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send and who will go for us? And I said: Here am I, send me!(Is. 6:8)