Well the reason I brought it up is that I showed a friend of mine a photo of the small buck I took last season with a neck shot at about 50-60 yards(my personal limit)and he had some type of break down LOL. I did not bother to tell him that of the last ten or so deer I have taken over the last few years all but three were neck shots, did not want him to have some type of an aneurysm. I personally have no problem with it and have complete confidence in my ability to do so, I have taken many , many squirrels with head shots at these distances with a .22, although most are under 35-40 yards. Confidence and a steady hand(actually steady shooting sticks) go a long way. I would never try it offhand.

"The reason a dog has so many friends,He wags his tail instead of his tongue."

"I don't always listen to Black Sabbath,But when I do so do the neighbors"