May be the case. May not be the case. One thing i thing is wrong is to assume because some things were done by some people in the past that everyone is. Its also very very easy for an outdoor writer or tv personality and a guide to have a disagreement and then bash/lie about that person to other clients in order to ?get back? at the writer? I stick to the stories i know to be true. I know of an outdoor writer that i know had fits with a rifle. His story didnt make it pst the editor of the mag he was writing for and it was changed to suit the advertisers. I was present when the rifle was being shot and tested. I read the article and made the mistake to assume that writer lied. It was the editor and the property of the magazine and they can do what they will with the article and they can do what they will with a story or a show. I wont make that mistake again. It was wrong. I was wrong. Scenes are cut because of fences and in one recent show it was a low fence but producers didnt want any fence included because it may be on a certain station. Dont attack the host. It makes us look petty and immature.