Opening weekend rocking the glock 40.I was hunting new to me public land. Didn't see anything opening day but lots of people. Sunday it got exciting I had a doe come out. I took a shot and several more before she went out of sight.... that's when I saw the 8 pter coming my way. I shot at him several times too! He eventually ran off and I heard shots from where both he and the doe ran off to. When I checked for blood only found some where the doe was as my buddy was coming out for the day. We tracked her into private with permission of course back onto public and never found her. Came back the next day even and searched but nothing. Ranged the doe at about 50 yards and the buck at around 70 after the fact. Way too far for my abilities. Oh well I guess buck fever got me . Going to spend more time shooting it out to 100 or so.