Send me PM's with your addy and I'll see how cheaply I can get them shipped. This has nothing to do with Gary or the money you paid him...I'll be covering this out of my own pocket as a favor to a few who have not gotten the 2004 issue. He gave me a box after they were printed to try and pimp to local shops, clubs, etc. I did not have much luck and they reside on the workbench.

Now...please do not rip me. This is only, ONLY for those that legitimately ordered the 2004 issue and not taken shipment. I can afford to send a few copies, but can not afford to be sending many. So this is a first come, first serve offer. If I get a ton of requests I'll be going by the time the PM was recieved to determine who was first. And hopefully I'll catch up with him to get the funds back.

Exodus 20:5-11
Matthew 5:18
Revelation 22:14

ISPBS--Expert Level

Please don't use e-mail, contact me w/ PM.