Sorry, that was a little rude, but let me explain my point of view. From day one I have looked at the magazine as an investment in an activity I deeply enjoy. Like all investments, some pay off, some don't. I don't mind putting out my measly $15.00 in an attempt to help this succeed.

I have only met one person from this forum, by chance, when I met him at the gun range we both happen to be members at. However, I do feel a friendship with many people on this forum. I worry about them when they have medical issues and wonder what is going on when they have not come around in a while (anybody heard from Vance in AK?).

It is with that mindset that I have paid for the magazine. I know this is a business and I understand some peoples frustration, but I look at it in a different way. When I loan a friend or a family member money (especially such a small amount), I do it knowing that whether I see the money again or not, I am not going to let that come between us. I had no idea the cost involved with publishing the magazine, knowing that now, I am amazed that it ever came to be in the first place. I may come across as being a little naive to some, but that is just the way I see it.

Experience is the best teacher, hunger good sauce.
Osborne Russell Journal of a Trapper