Several years ago when OTT when still wet behind the ears, Mike made me up a Striker barrel in .270 OTTR...basically a .243WSSM necked up to .277" and the shoulder blown out to the OTTR design. It's neat looking case. I did the basic load work up and sent the data over the Mike and never did much else with the project other than loaded 50 rounds of the most accurate recipe.

I got an itch to get some range time this afternoon so I loaded up the new Model 7 7SAUM (yes...a rifle), the yellow HS stocked .222 Rem XP-100 and the Striker .270 OTTR.

After running some rounds through the M7 I swapped to the .222 to get my handgun form tuned up a little. Then on to the .270 OTTR. It required a little tweaking of the 3-12 to rezero at 100yds and I then dialed in my drop for 300yds. Ten rounds later I had a nice 4" group centered on the steel plate...not too bad for the swirly conditions!! I used the same hold for all ten rounds with very little vertical dispersion and slight horizontal stringing. So I dialed in the 400yd dope and ripped off three rounds to the tune of three resounding "klank"'s! Not too shabby!! The trek to 400yds revealed a sweet 3” group just 2” off center of the plate.

The load is a 140gr Hornady BTSP pushed by RL-15 or RL-19…kind of mixed up my notes on this one after I sent everything to Mike. Oops!! I kept a couple rounds unfired to tear down and see what is in them. I do know the fps is around gives about the same performance as a 7mm-08.

BTW...I know it's a rifle...but that M7 in 7mm SAUM kicks like a 30-30 rifle!! Amazing!! And the first three rounds went into a nice lil' .188" CTC group!!!

Exodus 20:5-11
Matthew 5:18
Revelation 22:14

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