Manufacturer's Rep. Lines include asphalt release agent for major asphalt and paving companies and industrial lubricants for road builders/excavation. Former college coach and that fire still burns and am blessed to be able to coach a local high school baseball team and American Legion summer team.

I hunt on my family land in west central Alabama but have a passion for Pike County, IL. Make 2 trips there each fall (1 bow/1 combo--handgun & bow) and go up at least once in August to scout & glass & . I highly recommend it.

Oops! I forgot one thing. Kingfisher big fan of Hunlee. Wish Kingfisher was good looking as Hunlee but Kingfisher get hit with many baseballs and took toll. Kingfish also wish he could father many children like Hunlee but, once again, many baseballs hit Kingfisher in wrong place and only father two. Hunlee lucky man. Hope he beats FART!