I haven't been getting out much lately because of fuel costs, weather and medical stuff but today I went scouting for bears. I wasn't really into it but I knew I needed to get out and my wife threatened to throw me out if I didn't go. I got up in the hills in a area where I thought I wouldn't have a problem with dirt bikes like last weekend and sure enough I didn't see another sole. I almost immediately spotted some tracks while driving and after checking them out found that they were most likely from a sow and yearling, I also found fresh sign everywhere I went in the way of grazed off grass and demolished stumps. I continued driving to get the lay of the land and had a coyote blow out in front of me but he was in the thick stuff before I could get out of the truck. I was still a little discouraged because I can't get around too well anymore with my back but I finally came into a area that was absolutely beautifull, big clearcuts lots of blocked of logging roads that aren't too steep. I was starting to run out of light and figured I'd better start finding my way out but I will be there tomorrow with my predator calls in hand. I had one final treat on the way out, I spotted something out of place on a steep hillside coming up from a stream and as I watched a monster Roosevelt bull emerged. I realized quickly that he was massive in the body, and his antlers are still very immature but he already was a 4x4 with 10" brow tines and he was every bit of a 1000lbs. I would guess he will easily be a 6x6 this year if not bigger, we have alot of 7x+ bulls taken around here every year. I'll let you guys know if I have any luck tomorrow but even if I don't kill anything if tomorrow is half as good as today it will be worth it.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist