Ptr, first of all Pretty Work! Gun safety is a valuable lesson for everybody. I have been wrapped up with 3 shots out of a 10 guage from an "OLD" friend I use to hunt with. It is not at all pleasant listening to pellets coming at you! Over excited to see a buck this guy took the shot and forgot that I was directly behind the buck. 100 yrds. away was me standing there looking with this "WHAT THE" look on my face. This guy knew exactly where I was at and still took the shot. And never hit the buck! Shot placement is everything but, let me get the hell out of the way first. To this day this guy still feels he did nothing wrong!! I have a 3 yr. old daughter and I can't wait to teach her the respect of firearms and what they are capable of!

Smith and Wesson 629 PC Magnum Hunter