Originally Posted By: wapitirod
I agree gun safety is everything and what the anti gunners don't realize is that ignorance and curiousity is what kills children. My 8 yr old daughter has been around guns since she was born and to this day if I have a gun out that I'm working on she won't touch it and in fact she doesn't even pay attention to it because it's a normal part of life around here.

Same here. My daughters were always with me when I was working on a gun, or loading ammo. I think my oldest daughter shot a handgun for the first time at 5 years of age.

I totally agree that if children are going to be exposed to guns at any time in their lives it is best that they have the proper exposure at an early age.

One of the things I always did as a Hunt Safe Instructor was to get a bunch of fruit and vegetables from the local grocery store every year during the course. I'd set up the various fruits and vegetables at various distances and have the kids shoot them with .22 LR Hollow Points so they could see the full effect of what can and does happen when something is stuck buy a bullet. It is a totally different visual experience than seeing a bullet poke a hole in a piece of paper. Tomatoes work especially well for dramatic effect.


T/C Handguns, One good shot for your moment of truth !