oops, sorry I didn't realize there was anyplace in the country with a law like that. I might understand if it were mandatory to have adult supervision but that is stupid.

No big deal Rod. You want to know exactly how NY penal law reads...as I have the book and keep it suplemented each year.

If you came to visit me here in NY, the only legal way you could shoot my handguns is at a certified NRA range with a certfied range office and I (me) the licensee was present at your side at the time of fireing the weapon. That's STUPID!!
Welcome to COMMY NY!!

There are a few other ways like certified matches at certified ranges, with letters of intent from the match directior. You also have to inform the state police of you coming prior to the match, then an outside individual can shoot thier guns here but it's a huge process making it not realy worth the effort. All legal transport laws have to kept, as in locked guns in seperate cases from the ammo and not accessable to the drive....ect.

I could go on as I have read the intire penal code and highlighted all important subjects. Kind of funny when I know more than some of the local officers.
The "assult" section is really restrictive here in NY.

NRA Life Member

** NEVER! Moon a Werewolf!!**