Wow, I unload my gun and put it in the consoul and put the bullets in my pocket or everything is together in my shooting bag. Just not loaded.

Both my boys were brought up with guns and learned safety first before they could even touch them. The were told that if they ever wanted to touch my guns to just ask me and I would help them get it. I tought Don't touch, leave it alone, get an adult.
It's been so long that it took me awhile to remember who taught me gun safety first. It was my mother, after one of my cousins had found my grandfathers rifle under the bed. He was pointing it at all of us kids and one of the adults walked in and freaked. I'm so happy no one got hurt or killed. But after that my mom sat me down at about 5 and started teaching me about gun safety. (My mom and dad were split up at the time) So it is so important for parents to teach thier kids at a very young age and don't stop after just one lesson.

SBH Hunter 44mag
Ore. Chpt
If you don't like logging try using plastic toilet paper