Originally Posted By: wapitirod
yes sir, you know I don't know why they don't call liberals by their true name, communist, because that is all they are. You know 50yrs ago we prosecuted people for anti american communist ideas, I think we should again but this time with a long drop and a short piece of rope and I think it should be public. I think if they would do the same to gangbangers, murderers, rapist and child molesters this would be a better country but then the democrats wouldn't have anyone left to vote for them.

There isn't enough rope to get rid of them all.
After spending 17 years as LEO, I'm all for hanging. One appeal with in one year of the trial, then it's off to a public hanging.
The libbies shouldn't be hung they should be staked to a tree so they can talk to their spotted owls. They have the same mentality, in fact the owls might be smarter,they keep quiet and out of sight.

SBH Hunter 44mag
Ore. Chpt 4x4him.org
If you don't like logging try using plastic toilet paper