Hello fellow handgun hunters! I'm a new member and this is my 1st post. I started hunting with a handgun several years ago and love it! I use a 6" S&W 617 for squirrels and a 9 1/2" Ruger SRH in 44 Mag for deer. I have been very interested in the 460 mag ever since Smith came out with it and recently gave in and bought a 8 3/8" 460 XVR when I came across a great deal. I can't say enough about this gun...I love it!! Very accurate and easy to handle desptite how huge it is and how much power it wields. I am chomping at the bit to hit the woods with it. I put a 2-6X Simmons ProHunter on it and am able to hit 2 liter bottles at 200 yards with ease (with a solid rest of course!) I am still a big fan of the 44 mag but this gun/cartridge is even more versatile and gives the responsible shooter much greater range. I am wondering if any of you have hunted or taken game with the 460 and how you guys like it. I will be using mine primarily for whitetails but am also planning to take it west for muleys, pronghorns and elk. I am retarded when it comes to computers and cameras but I will try to post pics of my first deer with my 460.