I have to correct a few things on the Australian experience.

Firstly, the crime rate didn't go up 500%. In fact major violent crime did reduce slightly after the 1997 confiscations, however the reduction was extactly the same trend line as prior to the confiscation ie Banning semi-auto rifle, pump-action shotguns etc had no effect on violent crime. Reinforces that guns owned by law abiding citizens do not lead to crime.

Secondly, (and critically ). While the longarm confiscations of 1997 came as a surprise, the handgun confiscations of 2003 only occurred because shooters ignored the earlier confiscations and re-elected the bastard. Had the millions of voting age firearm owners voted him out it the 2003 bans would never have happened and no other politician would have tried it for at least a decade.

We shooters are our own worst enemy in that we don't use our vote to punish anti-gun politicians. Don't let it happen to you.