Originally Posted By: cottonstalk
My simple opinion is if you don't like our country and feel you need to change it GO BACK TO YOURS!

I do feel a need to change this country. Change is good if for the better. I am a red blooded American too. When I was a young man right out of high school I signed up for the Marines, Hoorah baby! But 3 days before my departure I was a passenger in a car accident (going very fast) and smashed the right side of my head on the roof support (between the front and back passenger windows) and was knocked out for an hour and a half (first and only time I have been unconsious in my life, not counting drunken state). I received 15 stitches on the right side of my head. When I went to Fort Hamilton the morning I was scheduled to leave for bootcamp, I was rejected due to the accident and they said "I could have a relapse from the concussion and the military would not be responsible". They said I would have to wait a year before I could re-enlist. Found a job and a new girl and that was the end of that. Love my country. Would I change it... Hell Yeah, for the better!!

Scoped Satin Stainless 7.5in Ruger Super Redhawk in 44 Mag. 50 Cal CVA Optima Black Powder Pistol