yep and if you notice he keeps talking about change but I have yet to hear any viable or specific ideas on how he's going to change anything. I have noticed on things like energy and this mess with Russia he has waited to see what McCain has had to say and then Obama has repeated it in his own vague way. The guy doesn't have an original idea in his head, he is a puppet for the far left and takes his lead from them. I don't agree with McCain on quite a few things but at least he's an independent thinker with a functioning brain. I don't know if you saw the add that Paris Hilton made as a comeback to McCains add but the sad thing is I'd vote for her before I would Obama, at least she's just a dingy blonde and would have an excuse for screwing up the country.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist