Ernie, that is a good question. The break is what tames this beast. After reading your post I sat and pondered the question for a while. I think my .375JDJ Contender w/14" barrel and .260's has more recoil. It does have the Pachys so it is a little different feel. My Ruger SBH Hunter in 45LC with the Buffalo Bore 300 grn bullets seems to be about the same but the Ruger comes up with authourity.
This is the first Holland break I've used and this pistol with 225grn SP's and a full case of Varget only rises about an inch. It does come straight back into your palm. It is not offensive but stout. I will have to do more comparisons the next range visit.
I have figured out how to do videos with my camera and camcorder and load them. I will do a video the next outing.
I hope Rich Mertz has some time for me to visit with him during the Wyoming antelope hunt. I would like to leave the MOA with him for another barrel. The jury is still out on the caliber but I'm leaning real hard towards the 6XC by Tubbs. I just have to do more reading and look at some other options. The 6mm caliber is the only thing I don't have covered.


You don't quit playing because you get old, You get old because you quit playing.