Since I am a new guy here I thought I might introduce myself by way of a handgun hunting experience of mine.
Last year I talk a friend at work into running out to a rancher friends spread for a bit if 'chuck huntin'.
He is all over that like butter on toast and we meet up on sunday morning, He hauls out his whiz-bang rem 700 223 and other sundry gear and off we go in my truck. After we top off the gas and coffee he jumps back in the cab and looks in the back seat of the ext. cab for a place to set his extra thermos and exclaims "YA forgot your RIFLE !".
"I didn't forget my guns though" I replied.
After we headed into the ranch road I pulled over and slipped my Contender from the case,and set it carefully next to me. I then reached back,grabbed my ammo box and pulled a single round from the first row and opened the TC and slipped it home,leaving the action open.
Well we drove down about 6 miles of bouncing,side to side rutted track and finally spotted the grounds I was after. Prime cliffs interspersed with bent ancient junipers and rocks. Almost a 75%grade to walk up after the shootin was done to retrieve any carcasses that didn't roll down of their own accord.

Well old buddy finally see's we are there and starts emptying his gear while I grab my bino's and sand bag. He is still getting his rifle and gear when I get my first chuck. About a 12#er @ 150 yards out,blitzed via a 40gr Nosler BT and H335. The start of a very fine day
At the end of the day his rifle accounted for 7 'chucks,my TC for 7 as well. His rifle was large and seemed quite cumbersome to gain new targets that day,while I had no problems gaining new victims going from bino's to TC. Yup,that day,in that field there was no better gun for me.