My "week off" for hunting started yesterday, but I needed to take care of some town business with the wife so we got that done yesterday. That was cool, just enjoyed the day together knowing I had the rest of the week with the season closing Sat. the 20th.
Today I went out & spent 7 hrs standing in the rain & calling. I'm guessing we got at least a solid inch of rain & the wind was blowing pretty good part of the time. Saw not a critter.
Got home & found out the guy who was going to take care of church stuff & preach for me Sunday is in the middle of a family crisis. His wife's brother is dying & not expected to make it thru the night so she's heading to Kentucky to be with the family, which makes my friend & fill in a mom as well as a dad this week (car pool for the kids school) on top of his regular full time job as a missionary pilot here.
He said he could still make it work but I told him I'd go ahead & work this week. I'd have felt bad the whole time I was hunting anyway.
As much as I was looking forward to having the last week of the season free (haven't done it in the 7 yrs we've been back in AK), some things (like her brothers death) sure put hunting in perspective.
Can't wait for next year!!!!
Besides, I'll still get out for an hour here or there & maybe the Lord will give me one a bit closer to the truck than this mornings pack wuld have been if I had seen one in the area I was calling! (would have been about 7 or 8 trips alone, each about 3 mi round trip with packs between 80 & 100#)

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."