I personally have had good results from the Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet. I have never had a bad experience with them.

I've loaded ammo using the Nosler BT for some friends in 7 Rem Mag, 308 Win, 30-06 Spr., and 270 WSM, that have all killed deer and antelope with these loads. All have perfomed very well.

For everyone that has had a bad experience with the Nosler BT, there are others that have had a bad experience with another brand of bullet.

Bottom line is that the Nosler Ballistic Tip will work on deer size game.

Now, if you need to satisfy some mental block about using it, then by all means try the Nosler Accubond. It is essentially the same bullet as the BT, but with a bonded core/jacket. I've had excellent results with it as well.
