I'll step in and tell you how I call. I use a dying jackrabbit call and a dying cottontail call. I found a good spot where they have been eating berries, skunk cabbage, or just finding fresh poop. I set up with my back against a tree or bushes. Totally camo'ed I start blowing like I'm a rabbit getting ripped apart. I call for about 5 min. then stop for about a minute. then start calling again. Bears get distracted very easily so you need to be patient. I call for an hour then I change locations. I go about 2 or 3 miles and start again. I have had my best luck early in the morning. They normally come in real slow but I have heard where some have come in pretty fast. They have a great nose on them and Ears so if you have to move alittle make sure you do it while your calling so he can't hear you. Also I had one spook at about 10 yards because he heard me pull my hammer back. What a bummer that was, he was walking right towards me and I was waiting tell he cleared this little snag, but nope off he ran. That's how I do it. I'm going to try a fawn call one of these times, I hear they work real well too.
It is great fun and very exciting. Just remember to keep calling for that hour before you give up. Good Luck! rupe

PS I like having someone looking behind me as well just in case they come in from down wind. I had one growl from behind one time when I was alone. Made me think alittle. LOL

SBH Hunter 44mag
Ore. Chpt 4x4him.org
If you don't like logging try using plastic toilet paper