In one of Fred Eichler's Traditional Harvest videos, he comes across a 330+ bull elk killed by a lion. They could see the tracks in the snow where the lion stalked the bull, then jumped onto it. The lion rode the bull for a ways and wound up breaking the bulls neck. Not only did the lion kill the bull, but he dragged it about 50 yards to where he felt safe, before he started feeding on it. Anyone who has ever field dressed a big elk knows thats not something easily done.

Eastmans video High and Low in Mule Deer Country, has footage of a lion killing a good sized mulie buck. While he's killing the buck, the lion takes many kicks to the head/body and does not even seem fazed. Both of these videos gave me a lot more respect for lions than I had before.

Experience is the best teacher, hunger good sauce.
Osborne Russell Journal of a Trapper