Originally Posted By: TCMan
now more than ever we need to be involved in or political system.

Everybody needs to look at this way. It is what it is. We can't change the outcome now. What it's time for now is action like never before. While some on this site may have already been doing it all along, now more than ever let your Senators and congressmen hear from you on EVERY issue that's brought up. And I don't mean just gun issues; let them hear you on EVERY issue. I know it ain't fun, it takes some time, and some of them won't listen, but it's gonna take alot of constant action to get our message heard. Gary has links at the top of every page to find your Senators and reps; E-mail, write and call often. Leave them with no doubt that THEY are the employees.

Now is NOT the time to go sulk in the corner. It's time to be resolved and motivated to take our great country back. Remember, God never gives us more than we can handle and there's a reason for every challenge presented to us. More often than not, it is to grow and strengthen us. We may not see it right now, but you gotta have faith in His plan.

Our founding fathers didn't sacrifice everything only to have us be complacent and enslaved at the hands of a burdensome govt. Now, more than ever, let's go.

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a handgun today.