Wapitirod, While I did take your antichrist comments as a joke many do feel or at least worry of antichrist doomsday or muslim take over were Obama is concered. I just got done talking to a man from Boston of all places that has those fears. We attended the same universtiy and he was a bussiness major (very smart). We would not approve of someone from the other side making jokes about our 2nd amendment (at least I wouldn't). We shold not ingauge in something that invokes that kind of fear. Obama is a threat to not only our rights but others no more no less. I did not mean to offened you if I did. He won by more or less tricking the masses with promises of milk and honey. We did our best John McCain let him get away with it. That said he is my President and I will exercise all my rights to hold his feet and the rest of our elected officals feet to the polictial fire. I encourge all to do the same. All ways pray for our nation.