This is a handgun hunting website and forum. However, we now have a VERY anti-gun president elect who, by examination of his past actions, would like nothing better than to ban all handguns, so called assault weapons and most likely anything that goes bang.

We do occasionally post items here that are not specifically related to handgun hunting but are more indicative of our frustrations with the current situation which I guarantee will affect everyone's ability to purchase and own firearms. I think most of us are angry and more than a little afraid that something we love and enjoy is going to be infringed upon for no good reason. I'm as guilty of venting my frustration here as anyone but it really pisses me off that a radical socialist like Obama is going to ruin this country.

If you voted for Obama and don't like the tone here then you're free (until Obama starts chopping up the Constitution) to go someplace else because you're not likely to get a very warm welcome here.

For the rest of us I would like to hear suggestions on how to address the issue of political posts in the hunting forum. We could create another forum or we could simply mark political threads with (PL) in the subject line so you can avoid those threads if you like. Any other ideas are welcome.

I would also suggest that when trolls appear that want to engage and inflame the majority the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.

You can't wait any longer. Join the NRA and start writing your Congressmen and Senators.