First off for the record the candidate I voted for did not win. One of the great things about our great nation is the right to say what we feel, even if it offends others. I would hate to see this great web site dip to the levels of other sites, because of flames over political views. We all share common bonds of handgun hunting, shooting and other sports that contain handguns. If there is a person that differs in views from your own, then just ignore that person. If we flame off on the troll, then we drop to the level of that person. We as hunters and more importantly handgun hunters cannot give any group any fuel to use against us and our sport. I am as frustrated as everyone else over what our nation is getting ready to face, however, we cannot add fuel to the anti hunting group's fires.
I am not trying to upset anyone with my comments, just putting a little different light on it. If I am out of line, please politely let me know.

Last edited by Rick; 11/14/2008 8:11 PM.