All very good comments and ideas. I guess whether these types of posts are put on the Hunting Section with a special Tag Line or if there is a seperate forum for them is up to Gary in my opinion as this is his house as far as I am concerned. I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on how Gary decides to address the issue, but am wondering if there is a seperate forum so titled would it be easier for a non member to find it through a google search or something like that?

As per the trolls that want to just argue or cause trouble, I guess my opinion would be to ignore them or lock down the thread if it comes to that. I agree whole heartedly that they do not need more fuel to the fire as I am sure there is enough to go around.

The candidate I voted for also did not win the election, but from what I have read on the net it seems that his female running mate is still under fire. I wish they would give it a rest, the election is over and they were defeated. Hopefully there will be a different outcome in 4 years if there is enough country left to have an election. Are these people trying to add insult to injury?

OK I'll shut up now.


T/C Handguns, One good shot for your moment of truth !