Originally Posted By: TCMan
don’t COME ON, BULL *$^&, and bad mouth me.


I believe that you may be jumping to conclusions about what I said. Nowhere did I say that killing hogs that are destroying a man’s livelihood was wrong or unethical. I said that we have a responsibility to kill as humanely as possible, and to me that applies even if we are only killing hogs that are destroying fields.

In addition, I take exception to your use of expletives when addressing me. I don’t believe it is necessary to degrade ourselves by resorting to expletives. I understand that you were upset, but please don’t swear at me. You yourself said that “this is supposed to be a place of rational discussion and conversation”, and to me swearing is not reminiscent of “rational discussion and conversation.” We may have differing opinions, but I am certain that we can be civil and cordial when addressing one another.
