mornin to all
first of all, this is a great site,glad i found it. i've shot handguns since the mid-60's, always carried one but never shot a deer til the late 70's. after i got my 1st deer with my python , i was hooked... i've actually shot 7 deer with handguns
6 with the python and 1 with a 44mag s&w model 29, all 6" guns.
i had more peeps tell me that a handgun especially, a 357, was not good enough to take a deer.... ummmmm , no point arguing with peeps. of coarse these deer were takin between 10 and 50 yds
and only one did i have to put 2 shots into to put him down and they were witha 357 mag. 158 sjhp's. the one i got with the 44
was about 150yds and one shot with it (180 sjhp) put him down,
and he was my biggest deer to date ...9pts 21 1/2" inside and approx. 180 lbs . i still have these handguns and use them
all the time. i do know this, useing a handgun, shot placement is and will always be the most important.
i give thanx to my father for teaching me how to shoot a handgun
and pushing me to just practice with 22's (cheap shoootin) and it keeps ur hand and eye in it, i do it all the time even now and i'm 58, lol it's just so much fun too.
ooops this kinda got long ...sorry

best of luck out there huntin
