Reckon its about time I posted under this thread and introduced myself. My name is Josh and I'm from upstate NY. My girlfriend and I are currently both full time students in Pharmacy School here in Albany. My two younger brothers and I have been following my dad into the big woods since we could walk. I spend most of my hunting season (when I'm not at school) in the Adirondacks during northern zone or the Catskills during southern zone. My dad has always owned and hunted with both long guns and pistols which is why I now carry a handgun into the woods. I belong to our local pistol team and compete when I can. I also shoot (once in a while) on a 4 position .22 rifle team at the same club. When its not hunting season, I ice fish almost every weekend once the lakes around here freeze up. I also coyote, grouse and rabbit hunt in the winter, trout and walleye fish in the spring, summer and early fall and shoot all year round. I've really enjoyed posting so far and look forward to doing so in the future.

If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.