Originally Posted By: liv2hnt460
7STDUBBERU, Not only have I asked an Albany county Chief officer (who told me everywhere in NY except Schenectady Cty was near impossible to get a cc permit), my Dad and I have asked our local police department (not Albany) and they too said don't bother. My record is as clean as it gets and other than a speeding ticket or two, the same goes for my Dad. Who else could I talk to? You need a residence where you apply.

Go to your sherrif office and get a permit application, fill it 100% perfect make sure you know and trust all of your references. Turn it back in and wait, they have no reason not to give you one. If you are denied and I highly doubt you could be any lawyer would love to take your case.

When you go to the range or hunting how is your pistol transported/carried?