clayzzz, I have a SBHBH, it's pure stock, no additives or perservatives, and it's extremely accurate. I had to find what load it liked best. It prefered hard cast over jacketed bullets. It shoots well with 280 & 300gr hardcast bullets with max loads of H110. As far as your part, all the advise above is right on. One thing that I like to do when training others shooting fundamentals is, load some dummy rounds in the caliber your having trouble with. Have someone else load your gun. This way you won't know when or if it's gonna fire. (it's always best to shoot a few first) Now, by doing this, the bystander or coach, can see what you're doing right or wrong. It's impossible to tell if someone is flinching when firing. And believe me, if you're flinching, it will tell. This is worth a try before spending a lot of money on the weapon, when it could be you that's the problem.....KRal

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger squeeze.