Originally Posted By: Julie Ann Peterson
I've watched cats roll mice and they're very good at it, but they don't go out of their way to do it and would much rather do other things and avoid hunting all together.

She is so stupid that she can't even speaking inteligently about domestic cats. Hell we have a nuttered male cat and he will catch everything he can and bring it to the back yard and play with it until it's dead and there is no more "FUN" in it, then just leave it by the back door as a trohy.

The Donor party?? What does that have to do with anything?? If she was in that party with the limp risted self absorbed views, she might be the first to be served up by the few that had the grit to survive.

I'm just wasting type on this so I'll stop now. LOL<LOL

NRA Life Member

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