As idiotic as people with this mentality are to those of us who know better, they are better at playing the media and the public than we are. These are the people who are successful at getting spring bear and lion hunts banned in some areas. Its the same people using the b.s. logic behind lead bans to protect condors in California and now other states (with no condors) that are jumping on the band-wagon. They will do and say anything to advance their agenda. Rod, I would encourage everyone you know to write that paper and ask for them to bring back the hunting and fishing success photos. We need to make our voice heard rather than allowing the minority to control us. I respect her right to voice her opinion, but she is not being forced purchase that paper. If I don't like the contents of a publication or it goes against my beliefs, I don't buy it.

Experience is the best teacher, hunger good sauce.
Osborne Russell Journal of a Trapper