this is a reply to the original article made by the owner of a grocery/gun store here locally, I thought you guys might get a kick out of it.

When I die, tan my hide

Web Posted 1/6/2009 1:22:00 PM
Article :

In the Dec. 31 issue of the Headlight-Herald there was a letter to the editor titled, "Killing Not Entertainment" that I would like to address.

The writer decries a young man holding up the fish he just caught. She equates killing fish and game with murder. She says that this is no way to raise a young lad.

The writer claims that cats would rather "do other things" than roll and kill mice. I don't know where she has observed cats but it surely wasn't the cats I have watched. In truth, her musing about the love shared between cats and mice fairly well sums up the absurdity of the rest of her letter.

In stark contrast to the world a liberal would like to believe in, and as averse as they are to accepting it, the human being is the ultimate predator. We human beings have been killing fish and game to survive since the beginning. An ethical hunter or fisherman has every right to honor his kill by posing in pictures, mounting the head on the wall or throwing a pelt over his easy chair.

Today our need for survival can be met by shopping in the grocery store, but you can find the parts of as many as 2,000 animals in one pound of ground burger. Yet when I butcher one of my steers or kill a buck, I am assured that I am eating only one animal and I am assured of how it is butchered. But more than that, when I hunt or fish I am carrying on a time-honored tradition that dates back to the beginning of time. I am practicing the age-old techniques that I was taught as a boy and my father was taught. It's not about killing, it's about tradition. It's about independence. But then Kool-Aid drinking liberals don't believe in independence, they believe in the opposite - they believe in cradle to grave babysitting by the government.

As far as me decorating myself with my kills and being used for decoration later, I have always said that when I die I hope they tan my hide and make a saddle out of me. That way, I can always be between two things I love, horses and women.

In summation, the only negativity I can see is not coming from the smiling faces of those posing with their kills in pictures. It comes from hypocrites that wear leather shoes and buy meat from a store.

Jim Fox


I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist